Không Capo
[(Intro:] [Verse [G] [G] 1] [G] [G)]
I [G] have to wonder if this wa [G] ves to big to ride
C [G] ommit or not commit is [G] s uch a crazy type.
Y [F] et sooner than I [C] though t that you’d call me [A] o ut.
I [Bb] lost control [C] and there’s no [Eb] doub t, I’m gonna [Eb] start all over.
O [G] ut of the fire and into the fire [C] ag ain.
Yo [G] u make me [D] wa nt to forget [Eb] a nd,
St [Bb] art all [C] over. Here I [G] com e,
Straight out of my [C] mind, or worse,
Ano [G] ther chance to [D] get [Eb] burne d,
And start [Bb] all [C] ov er. [Eb] I’m gonna [Bb] sta rt [C] all o ver.
[Verse 2]
F [G] antastic and romantic; [G] A ll a big surprise.
Y [G] ou’ve got the warning [G] hesi tation pushed aside.
[Pre-chorus 2]
Ye [F] t sooner than I [C] want, But you caught my [A] h eart.
I [Bb] guess I’m [C] r ady now to [Eb] start. I’m gonna start [Eb] al l over.
It’ [G] s so easy, [G] Yo u disrupt me. [G] Can’t complain.
It [G] ‘s so easy, You [G] disru pt me. Can’t [G] compla in.
It [G] ‘s so easy, You [G] dis rupt me. Can’t [G] com plain.
It’s so [G] easy.
I [Eb] ‘m gonna [Eb] sta rt all over!
Star [Bb] t all [C] o ver!
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Hoặc qua tài khoản:
Chủ tài khoản: Ho Nguyen Diem Quynh
Tài khoản ngân hàng : 076 100 234 5190
Vietcombank, chi nhánh KonTum
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